Monday, August 20, 2018

What is Ophthalmic B-Scan and Why We Use it?

An Ophthalmic B-Scan is a medical device referred to as Brightness scan or B-scan. The device works under the technology of ophthalmic Ultrasonography in the medical world. By using this device, it is possible for you to observe a two dimensional cross-sectional view of your eye as well as its orbit. In fact, an Ophthalmic B-Scan device can be used on the outside of the closed eyelid to observe your eye. This product can be made to work with your existing personal computer. Besides, the product can be made to work in conjunction with PalmScan device platform, efficiently. Furthermore, it is possible for you to turn on any personal computer into a B-Scan device, as it is capable of producing high resolution ultrasonic imaging.

Use Of USB 2.0 Interface

Ophthalmic B-Scan device can be connected to your personal computer through an USB 2.0 interface. This device manufactured by a company, called MMD, is easy to use through an application of customized settings. The settings will enable you to use the device in multiple applications. Besides, it is possible for you to develop a detailed database of your patients, involving virtually limited size. The device is incorporated with a probe that can be made to travel with you, and can be used on multiple workstations of any computer hub. Irrespective of your place, the Ophthalmic B-Scan device can be conveniently used after its installation.

Ophthalmic B-Scan

Mobile Type Ophthalmic B-Scan Device

The mobile type of Ophthalmic B-Scan device is not only convenient for you to use, but also efficient in its operation. This device produces high resolution imaging of your eye very precisely. By doing this, you will be able to achieve more than 2000 sampling points for every line. Besides, you can find that this innovative device, has built in adjustable pulse power through which you can improve its penetration capabilities. It can work on a two pulse frequencies of 12 MHz or 15MHz. Through this pulse frequency, it will be possible for you to achieve a penetration depth, ranging from 3 to 10cm. The Ophthalmic B-Scan device, is fitted with a duel type of calipers, where it is possible to measure easily the inside structure of your eye. You can print the captured images of your eye by connecting the personal computer to your existing office printer. Besides, you can also store movies or JPEG images straight away into the hard drive of your personal computer. Adjustable cine buffers, with a maximum of 512 buffers, will ensure to capture the best images for the purpose of accurate analysis.

High Lights Of Mobile Type Of Ophthalmic B-Scan Device

The device is easy to use with customized settings in multiple applications. You can develop a detailed patient’s database. It offers adjustable pulse power. Depending on the memory capacity of your personal computer, you will be able to get images of virtually unlimited size. This device improves the capability of ultrasonic penetration by providing high resolution imaging. You can get more than 2000 samples per line and the device employs duel calipers. It can measure easily the inside structure of your eye. You can simply print the captured images in your existing office printer. You can use MS word templates for generating quick reports. The print images are available in single frame or JPG format with adjustable size cine buffers. The image has zoom capability as well.   


Ophthalmic B-Scan device can be used directly to view the enlarged inside structure of your eye. You can use this device to find the details of your eye structure at any time.